In the News

Executive Leadership Changes Announced at Paradigm

Executive Leadership Changes Announced at Paradigm


We are so proud to elevate these excellent leaders into positions that offer new growth opportunities for them and the organization.

Work Comp Leader Paradigm Announces Executive Leadership Changes

Work Comp Leader Paradigm Announces Executive Leadership Changes


Paradigm announced the appointment of Kevin Turner as Chief Growth Officer and the promotion of Kathy Galia to Chief Clinical Solutions Officer. Kevin and Kathy, are extremely talented, respected leaders with the ability to…

The Power of the Home Assessment

The Power of the Home Assessment


Cindi Petito, OTR/L, ATP, CAPS, CEAC, CLIPP, Paradigm Director of Clinical Solutions, was interviewed in a recent Mobility Management article on home assessments.

Pressure Injuries Still a Nagging Problem for Injured Workers

Pressure Injuries Still a Nagging Problem for Injured Workers


Wounds can be a major cost driver in workers' compensation claims. The costs to treat pressure injuries can quickly and easily run up to $100,000 or more, especially if an…

Stable Comp Sector Faces Challenges Ahead

Stable Comp Sector Faces Challenges Ahead


The COVID-19 pandemic will continue to dominate the workers compensation narrative in 2022, but the conversation may shift to concerns over advancing occupational illness legislation and the mysteries surrounding long-haul…

Value-Based Care Model Offers Solution to Wide Swings in Outcomes and Costs for Injured Workers

Value-Based Care Model Offers Solution to Wide Swings in Outcomes and Costs for Injured Workers


Episodic care management is a value-focused approach used to diagnose and treat a condition or injury by bundling all services associated with treatment into a single patient experience, often for…

Almost Two Years into the Pandemic, Why Aren’t We Paying More Attention to Long-COVID?

Almost Two Years into the Pandemic, Why Aren’t We Paying More Attention to Long-COVID?


Nearly 10% of people who experience mild COVID-19 infections have symptoms that persist beyond two weeks. Will this create a disability crisis?

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