Ensuring the Best Post-Acute Care Experience for Injured Workers—and Claims Professionals
WorkCompWire Full article on: workcompwire.com Claims professionals today are facing more challenges than ever before. Realities ranging from labor shortages to workload bottlenecks mean adjusters and other professionals are regularly juggling…
Industry Experts from ODG, The Hartford, and Paradigm to Present at National Comp Conference
Thought leaders in workers' compensation to share successful strategies in mental health claims management.
Better Collaboration for Better Outcomes: Why Interdisciplinary Communication Matters
Too often, navigating the workers’ compensation system after a workplace injury is an isolating and fragmented experience that results in patient dissatisfaction, disengagement, and a prolonged recovery process.
For High-Volatility Injuries, Paradigm Brings Clarity
True risk transfer, medical and behavioral health expertise, and provable data-driven outcomes are the components of success in catastrophic and severe injury care.
Paradigm’s Surgical Implant Cost Management Delivers ‘Must Have’ Benefits for Payers
As surgical implant technology has grown more complex, managing surgical implant spend has become a bigger challenge and cost driver for payers. A surgical implant review based on intelligent, data-driven…
Long COVID Continues to Plague, Puzzle Comp Industry
As information about long COVID evolves, workers compensation experts are watching how clinical changes and statistics may impact compensability for workers who continue to struggle with the disease’s effects.
Three Difference Makers for Catastrophic and Severe Injury Outcomes
The complexity and volatility of catastrophic and severe injuries require substantial administrative workloads and focused expert management to achieve a successful recovery. Paradigm has established the model for provable, life-changing…