Catastrophic & Risk Solutions

Case study: Ryan Hollett

Paradigm Medical Directors: Edward Stokel, MD;
William Pfeifer, MD; Steven Moskowitz, MD
Paradigm Network Manager: MaryLisa Shatilla, RN, BSN, CCM

The injury

Ryan was at work in his manufacturing job when he was crushed by an object that caused severe trauma and soft tissue separation to his left hand and arm, abdomen, pelvis, and right side of the lower body.

The diagnosis

Ryan suffered a severe crush avulsion injury to the left hand, and open left forearm fractures that required amputation at the elbow. He was also crushed at the abdomen, pelvic region and lower body, causing severe avulsion and degloving throughout the region, and a grade-three fracture in the tibia. Ryan’s injury resulted in significant functional limitations, particularly diminished use of his left arm and leg.

The Paradigm solution

Upon referral, Ryan’s Network Manager MaryLisa Shatilla, RN, BSN, CCM, worked to coordinate the multiple extensive procedures, including hospitalization and rehabilitation, he required during his recovery. To regain function, Ryan had to undergo extensive therapy and intervention to maximize use of limbs. Due to amputation, Paradigm coordinated close oversight and treatment with a prosthetist.

A positive outcome

Ryan has experienced an exceptional recovery. He is working full-time as a sales rep for an American food service distributor. He is in a relationship and has an active lifestyle that includes participating in yoga five times a week.

To learn more about how Paradigm can help improve the lives of injured workers, call (800) 676-6777 or email: