
Easy-to-implement surgical implant cost management

Get validated, cost-based pricing for your most expensive cases.

More transparency.
Less spend.

Though implants are invisible after surgery,
the financial impact they have on a case is anything but. That’s because though 21% of surgical spend is tied to implants, there’s a profound lack of pricing transparency, meaning the only sure thing is that you’ll be overpaying.

Paradigm’s cost management program integrates seamlessly into your current processes to give you transparent, objective, and defensible pricing for your most expensive cases.

Welcome to the future of implant cost containment

Since 2013, Paradigm has ensured payment integrity for almost 200,000 cases with superior results. Our results prove that you can see significantly greater cost savings with us than you’re currently getting.

total implant charges reviewed
of the cases we review resulted in cost savings
average cost savings on the cases we review
higher savings compared to other industry solutions

Source: Boston Strategic Partners, 2020

Tame your surgical
implant costs

Our program is turnkey and integrates seamlessly into your current systems to make it easy to process these expensive cases. Here’s how it works:

Forensic Audit

Deep-dive reviews detect inflative and “creative”
billing practices

Cost Verification

Our proprietary database captures all devices, costs, rebates, taxes, and incentives

Objective Allowance

Defensible audits reduce overhead costs and turnaround time for payers

Daily Data Updates

Constantly updated data reflects true cost of implants
in real time

Paradigm deploys a multi-step methodology to achieve the highest cost savings in the industry.”

— Boston Strategic Partners