Case management

Healthcare and the Impact to Care Coordination

As approaches to health insurance and healthcare have changed over the past years, there has been increased attention on the role of effective care coordination. While the impact of a new presidential administration next year remains to be determined, care coordination will likely remain one of the strategies for creating better outcomes for injured workers. The providers and case managers who best implement the practice are more likely to have positive patient outcomes as providers, payors and patients alike experience benefits.

Reasons for Care Coordination

While some in the workers’ compensation and healthcare system at large are leading the change to a coordinated care model, the transition still faces challenges. Some reasons to consider the approach include:

  • Varying processes between healthcare sites, often resulting in disjointed care.
  • Lack of clear instruction to injured workers regarding the reasons and methods for specialist referrals.
  • Lack of clear information to specialists regarding prior testing or care, as communication can be spotty between physicians and facilities.
  • Confusion among referral staff who process information due to differing practices between healthcare providers, resulting in a loss of efficiency.

Improved care coordination can improve all of these factors, especially when managing catastrophic and complex cases. As we progress in developing a cohesive American healthcare system, it’s important that we maintain a focus on promoting teamwork and patient-centered care, with clear communication among all parties. This will enable evidence-based medicine and improve customer experiences. Using existing healthcare information systems, we can create proactive care plans that unify care and support functional goals more effectively.

Available Resources

The Department of Health and Human Services offers the Care Coordination Quality Measures for Primary Care, a survey for measuring effectiveness in the field. The goal is to help providers evaluate programs and find new strategies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of care.

At Paradigm, we’re well versed in this approach, as it was one of the key tenets of our founding strategy 25 years ago. As such, we are constantly working to support this evolution of the healthcare industry. By ensuring that injured workers receive the right care at the right time, we minimize the financial and physical impact of catastrophic injuries. Because we’re value based, we’re acutely aware of the importance of comprehensive care planning and clear communication to achieving the best possible outcomes.

To keep up with industry news as healthcare trends and touchpoints shift, be sure to bookmark Paradigm’s Outlook on Outcomes blog. We provide industry news to benefit care managers and healthcare professionals, as well as injured workers. To learn how Paradigm Outcomes is collaborating with self-insured employers, insurers and state funds to achieve better clinical and financial outcomes, contact us, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.