National Case Management Week: Setting the Standard for Patient-Centered Care

National Case Management Week, organized by the Case Management Society of America (CMSA), highlights and celebrates the continued development of the case management profession. The 2022 theme, “Setting the Standard for Patient-Centered Care,” is a concept that is reflected in the hard work and dedication of Paradigm’s exceptional Case Managers and Network Managers.

“The extraordinary Case Managers and Network Managers at Paradigm are critical to our ability to manage high-quality care. They are truly the difference-makers when it comes to better outcomes for the injured workers we serve,” says Jo Carter, RN, BSN, CCM, Vice President, Clinical Resource Operations. High-quality case management is at the very foundation of Paradigm, and the warmth, humanity, and patient-centered focus from this group of people help change the lives of individuals dealing with some of the most demanding situations anyone can face.

Elizabeth Lowry, Senior Vice President, Case Management Solutions, agrees and is always happy to celebrate Case Management Week, as she notes: “During this whole week, Paradigm is excited to come together to recognize and thank our unparalleled Case Management team for their many contributions to patients, their families, and their communities.”

How Paradigm Case Managers set the highest standards
Paradigm’s case management professionals make a difference in patient outcomes on a daily basis. For any level of severity, injury type, and industry, this team consistently delivers incomparable contributions to the health and wellness of injured workers and their families.

Here are just a few examples of their commitment to setting a higher bar for patient-centered care:

  • 24/7/365 onsite visits and engagement with injured workers and families
  •  Staying in constant contact with family members to ensure they are included in the care and recovery process at every stage
  • Continually finding creative solutions to connect providers with injured workers, schedule and reschedule treatments, and line up rehabilitation and follow-up care, all to ensure a personalized plan that is right for each case
  • Working tirelessly to build pathways back to patients’ homes, families, communities, and meaningful work, all of which are exemplified in Paradigm’s unparalleled outcomes for return-to-work and medical improvement rates
  • Network Managers work in a Paradigm team of clinical experts—including nurses, medical directors, clinical specialists, and community support specialists—to facilitate care with direct care providers and ensure that those with the most challenging and serious injuries stay on track toward recovery and reaching their rehabilitation goals

Network Managers and Case Managers are continually assessing the needs of the injured workers they serve and advocating to ensure each part of the treatment process is in motion—and always with the patient’s needs at the center of their focus. This approach sets the tone for everyone involved, and helps these injured workers get back to their lives and livelihoods. “The flexibility, resilience, and dedication our Network Managers and Case Managers consistently shows sets an incredibly high standard for the entire Paradigm organization,” notes Lowry.

Keeping the focus on the people we help
To the case management professionals at Paradigm and across the entire industry and health care spectrum, Paradigm’s gratitude is summed up by Carter, who concludes: “Our Network Managers and case managers deserve celebration every day—and we’re glad for any chance to show how much we really appreciate them.”

Learn more about Paradigm’s Case Management Solutions, and what sets us apart in the areas of Catastrophic and Complex Clinical Solutions.