Case management

Our Vocational Case Managers Continue to Rise to the Challenge

Paradigm is proud to continue showcasing the extraordinary impact Paradigm case managers are having as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the workforce. So far, we’ve explored how the ability to create meaningful connections is essential to positive outcomes in this new environment, while showing how far our clinical experts go to navigate obstacles and complexities around returning to work.

Now, we’d like to put the spotlight on our exceptional vocational workers’ compensation case management team. Whether conducting a job analysis to provide information physicians need to make return-to-work decisions, helping injured workers identify and develop skills they can use to re-enter the workforce, or guiding injured workers through their job search, vocational case managers play a critical role in helping restore an injured worker’s health, spirit, and hope for a brighter future. The core of our vocational team’s workentering worksites, meeting face-to-face with injured workers for vocational assessments, and finding employment opportunitieshas been made more challenging by the COVID-19 pandemic. Meeting the needs of our injured workers has required our vocational case managers to adapt both to a growing virtual environment and a labor market that has often been significantly altered. 

Fortunately, and not surprisingly, our vocational case management team of experts at Paradigm rose to the occasion. Here are two stories where adaptability, resilience, and expertise enabled an injured worker and their family to achieve a positive vocational outcome.  

Virtual job analysis enables faster return to work
One essential function of vocational case managers is to perform an overview and assessment of the injured worker’s jobsite. This enables the treating physician to have the information needed to determine any necessary work restrictions as well as the worker’s job capacity. 

Last year, when a Paradigm vocational case manager was referred by a client to perform this type of assessment, the appointment at the jobsite was cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions limiting outside access. A delay in the job analysis would have caused a delay in the injured worker’s return to work. So our vocational case manager jumped into action by convincing the employer to help complete the job analysis virtually. Without delay, our case manager was able to obtain the specific measurements and necessary photographs to complete a full job analysis. With the help of this quickly improvised, yet thorough job analysis, the treating provider was able to make a confident return-to-work determination.

Perseverance gives one injured worker a fresh start 
Paradigm vocational case managers also work hard to help many injured workers find new employment through job placement services. Often, this means helping injured workers with impaired literacy and physical capabilities receive the extensive job search support they need to re-enter the workforce. Recently, one of our vocational case managers helped a severely injured worker who was dealing with these circumstances find work in the grocery industry. However, the position required a lift ability that exceeds the limit in the released limitations.

To accomplish this, our vocational case manager coordinated virtually between the treating physician and the therapist from her functional capacity evaluation (FCE) in order to determine if she would be able to safely meet the lift requirement. After a joint review, both the treating physician and the FCE therapist agreed it was safe for her to accept the job at full duty. Next, our vocational counselor worked closely with the employer and the injured worker’s attorney to review the employer’s COVID-19 protective measures to help ensure she was within the guidelines for public health and safety. The end result was the injured worker was placed in a safe position that allowed her to successfully re-enter the workforce and her community.

At Paradigm, we enjoy sharing these stories and are thankful to have team members who are passionate about positive outcomes and returning those we serve to meaningful work and a better quality of life. 

For the duration of the pandemic, our team stands ready to support the recovery of your injured workers. Call us today at 888-425-2747 or email us to learn how we can help.