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Paradigm Kids’ Chance Community Team: Raising More Money for More Kids

Paradigm works hard to ensure catastrophically injured workers reach positive outcomes that genuinely improve lives. Along with coordinating the very high level of medical care required for this, we also believe in the importance of actively supporting families and communities through our organizational partnerships. 

Foremost among these is our more than 10-year relationship with Kids’ Chance of America. This nonprofit group is devoted to providing educational opportunities and scholarships for the children of workers seriously or fatally injured on the job. According to their most recent annual report, Kids’ Chance allocated in a 12 month period, over $3 million in scholarship funds and 711 scholarships. This brings the total since inception to $24 million in funds and 7,300 scholarships.

As the largest corporate sponsor of Kids’ Chance, Paradigm provides crucial funds, $1.2 million and counting over the last 10 years, to help establish and grow member organizations in each state. However, we’re even more proud of the efforts of our Paradigm Kids’ Chance Community Team. The time and energy our own team members put forth help to strengthen Kids’ Chance and amplify their message in an invaluable way. 

Our community team consists of 19 Paradigm employees who are passionate about the Kids’ Chance mission which is to raise More Money for More Kids. This core team plays a critical role in keeping our entire organization aligned with this long-term partnership. Ongoing efforts of our Kids’ Chance Community Team include:

  • Volunteering time to provide leadership support to both the national organization and individual state chapters
  • Regularly organizing and attending fundraisers throughout the year, with a recent emphasis on virtual fundraising efforts
  • Raising awareness for Kids’ Chance through our social media channels and other outlets, particularly during Kids’ Chance Awareness Week each year 
  • Organizing the Kids’ Chance Annual Conference and playing a key role in the success of the transition to virtual in 2020

After a year of growth, including a 15% increase in scholarship funds raised, the mission is to continue to help more children of seriously injured workers reach their educational goals and build a presence in all 50 states. Kids’ Chance has chapters in all states except for Alaska, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and Wyoming.

It’s easy to get involved. Here are some of the ways you can make a difference with Kids’ Chance: