Case management

Paradigm Outcomes | Higher Risk for Traffic Accidents in Summer Months

At Paradigm Outcomes, we see the tragedies and difficulties brought on by traffic accidents almost every day. At the height of summer, and with Labor Day approaching, we’d like to offer some safety tips to help keep you and your family safe on the road.

Summer Vacation and Traffic Safety

As families travel for summer vacations, traffic accidents and fatalities tend to rise. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration published a Labor Day reminder this year with a startling statistic: In 2012, there were 147 people killed in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes over Labor Day weekend. That weekend usually marks the end of the summer vacation season, when families drive to and from vacation destinations. A “Traffic Safety Facts” pamphlet published by the National Center for Statistics & Analysis says rates of traffic accidents and fatalities tend to be highest during holiday periods.

Tips for a Safe Summer on the Road

As you embark on summer travel, keep traffic safety in mind. Here are a few tips from Paradigm Outcomes to help you and your loved ones stay safe this year and every year:

  • Never Drive Drunk. According to the NHTSA article cited above, someone in the U.S. dies in an alcohol-related crash every 51 minutes. Don’t be one of them, or risk living with the knowledge that you needlessly caused someone’s injury or death.
  • Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving. Don’t put your family at risk (or your co-workers if you’re traveling for work) by driving after you’ve had a couple drinks. Though you may still feel fine, your reaction times are slower and your chances of having an accident are higher. It’s never worth it.
  • Check Your Tires. Rotate your tires regularly to ensure proper tread wear and keep the factory-recommended PSI in your tires at all times. Tire maintenance cuts down on the chance of a blowout at high speeds. Your spare tire should be as well maintained as your other tires, so that if you do need to use it, you know you can do so safely.
  • Buckle Everyone’s Seatbelts. Make sure children are properly restrained in car seats or booster seats in accordance with the law and the brand’s factory specifications. Make sure all adults are buckled in both in front and back seats and agree to wear their seatbelts in your vehicle. Every time.
  • Avoid Distractions. Don’t text and drive, talk on the phone, or eat behind the wheel. Talk to your kids about allowing you to keep your eyes and attention on the road. Keep them safe and model good habits for the years when they’ll do the driving. Don’t drive distracted.

According to the 2012 Traffic Safety Facts Annual Report published by AAA, almost 30,800 individuals died in traffic accidents in 2012 and auto accidents are the leading cause of death for people under the age of 34. Follow these simple tips from Paradigm Outcomes to help lower those numbers and keep your family safe during the last days of summer.