Driving Superior Outcomes with Expert-Driven, Family-Focused Behavioral Health Support

Business Insurance
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With the growing understanding that unaddressed behavioral health challenges can extend recovery and drive workplace injury costs as much as 75% higher,1 the industry is paying closer attention to this critical aspect of care. In fact, claims professionals repeatedly cite untreated behavioral health as a primary obstacle to optimal claim outcomes.2 Psychological challenges, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and substance misuse that are common in catastrophic cases—as well as social factors that impact behavioral health, such as family and economic instability—significantly increase the risk of complications, hospitalizations, secondary injuries, and suboptimal healing.

Why do these psychological and social issues often go unaddressed? Among the contributors are lack of workers’ compensation coverage for the behavioral health needs of families driving diminished caregiver support, challenges clarifying diagnoses, and difficulties identifying qualified providers utilizing evidence-based practice approaches. “Behavioral health and psychosocial issues affecting the home and family environment have a strong interrelationship. Understanding this correlation and overcoming these obstacles require the guidance of experienced behavioral and medical experts, combined with a whole-person approach that integrates families into recovery,” says Deborah M. Benson, PhD, ABPP, Vice President of Clinical Solutions for Paradigm.

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